Steamed spotted dick is a beloved classic British dessert that combines a moist and flavorful pudding with a rich and creamy custard. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through the process of creating this traditional dessert, from preparing the pudding batter to steaming it to perfection. Additionally, we will cover how to make a luscious custard that pairs perfectly with the warm and comforting spotted dick.

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1. Preparing the Spotted Dick Pudding Batter:

- In a bowl, combine 300 grams of self-raising flour with a pinch of sea salt.

- Add 150 grams of diced cold butter to the flour mixture, rubbing it in until it resembles breadcrumbs.

- Mix in 75 grams of caster sugar, 100 grams of dried fruit (such as currants or raisins), and the zest of two lemons.

- Gradually add 160 grams of full-fat milk to achieve a smooth batter consistency.

2. Steaming the Spotted Dick Pudding:

- Transfer the pudding batter into a lined pudding basin, cover with parchment paper and foil, and secure with string.

- Steam the pudding for approximately two hours until cooked through and set.

3. Making the Rich Custard:

- In a saucepan, combine full-fat milk, cream, vanilla pods, sugar, and egg yolks for the custard.

- Heat the mixture gently on the stove, stirring constantly until thickened.

- Strain the custard through a sieve to remove any lumps or solids.

- Allow the custard to cool before serving with the warm spotted dick pudding.

4. Serving the Steamed Spotted Dick with Rich Custard:

- Unmold the steamed spotted dick onto a serving plate and slice into portions.

- Serve the warm pudding alongside the luscious custard for a delightful dessert experience.

- Enjoy the comforting flavors and textures of this classic British dessert that is sure to impress your guests.

Steamed spotted dick with rich custard is a timeless British dessert that brings together the goodness of a moist pudding with a velvety custard. By following this production process, you can recreate this traditional dessert at home and savor the nostalgic flavors that have delighted generations. Treat yourself and your loved ones to this delightful sweet treat and enjoy a taste of British culinary heritage. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe for steamed spotted dick with rich custard!

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