Author:Grace Morgan Date:2025-02-20

Today, I will share with you a very old recipe for making perfect French pancakes.   The main secret to achieving the perfect French pancake lies in mixing all the ingredients correctly.   I am confident that you will love this cooking method and will want to make these pancakes very often.


Here's a list of the materials needed to prepare the perfect French pancakes:

1. All-purpose flour (8 ounces)

2. Sugar (3 tablespoons)

3. Salt (a pinch)

4. Eggs (3)

5. Warm milk (17 fluid ounces)

6. Butter (3 tablespoons for melting and adding to the pancake dough)

7. Vanilla extract (1 teaspoon or 2 tablespoons of liquid vanilla extract)

Recipe Instructions:

1.   Add 8 ounces of all-purpose flour to a bowl.


2.   Also add 3 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt.

3.   Mix well and create a small well in the flour.

4.   Crack 3 eggs into the well.

5.   Add 17 fluid ounces of warm milk and start gently whisking the eggs, gradually pouring in the milk.

6.   Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in the microwave and add it to the pancake dough while continuing to whisk.

7.   Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla or 2 tablespoons of liquid vanilla extract.

8.   Pour all the remaining milk gradually, mixing well with a whisk.

9.   Heat a skillet and pour enough batter to make a thin pancake.

10.   When the pancake on the pan becomes matte, flip it and fry for another 30 seconds.

The result is a delicious, thin, and golden brown French pancake that is sure to delight your taste buds.   I hope you enjoy making and savoring these delightful pancakes as much as I do.

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